Brian James Brains

Alvin Gibbs (bass)
Brian James Brains has to be surely one of the most appallingly named bands ever! With Tanz Der Youth not working out Brian had done some work on Jean Jaques Burnel’s solo album Euroman Cometh. When asked to play on his tour Brian declined which JJ is pretty scathing about in his book Into The Light saying James’s management warned him off being too closely linked to The Stranglers.
Anyways James signed to Miles Copeland’s Illegal Records and pulled together a band from various other ex-members of defunct punk bands. Towe had been in Generation X and The Adverts, Shaw in The Rings, Maniacs and Physicals and Gibbs in The Users.
It was pretty short-lived as he continued his journey toward the excellent Lords Of The New Church and the lineup was pretty fluid (members of The Police, Cortinas, Electric Chairs) on the live gigs they did which did not for continuity make.
Interestingly being on Illegal Records, and the mucking in approach that company employed, Stewart Copeland drummed on the one single Ain’t That A Shame, Living In Sin and I Can Make You Cry in our timeframe. The Police had supported The Damned a couple of times and Brian James Brains supported The Police as well. It also features, ace photographer and Brian’s girlfriend, Erica Echenberg and Kim Turner on Backing Vocals. To be fair it’s not too bad, but if you could have added Stiv’s vocals it would have been transformed. The pick is I can Make You Cry.
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