The Pork Dukes

So what’s the connection between folk rock band Steeleye Span, and progressive doodlers, Gnidrolog, who back in the late sixties/early seventies released albums with titles like Ten Man Mop or Mr Reservoir Butler Rides Again and In Spite Of Harry’s Toenail got to do with The Pork Dukes and songs like Telephone Masturbator? The answer, boys and girls, are members of these bands were responsible for or involved in some way with the loveable punk atrocity that was the Pork Dukes and arguably should have known better!
For years the mystery of the Pork Dukes was a closely kept secret. Well sort of, because in the March/April ’78 edition of the Fanzine ‘Chainsaw’ Charlie Chainsaw revealed that “The bassist is Nigel Pegram, who used to play in Steeleye Span. The rest played in a band called Gnidrolog who released a couple of albums a few years ago and then faded into obscurity.”
Well sort of again and here in the Pork Dukes own words – well Stewart Elliott AKA Horendus Styles
I noticed your updated text on the history of The Pork Dukes so I thought I might put you straight on a few things. Firstly, Nigel Pegrum and Rick Kemp were involved in the production of Pork Dukes but never played much on the records. Steeleye Span never had any direct contact or interest in the Pork Dukes. Nigel is a drummer [not a bass player.] and played some kit now and again. Mostly they spent the time falling about laughing!

If you hadn’t noticed, quite a lot of The Pork Dukes is what you might call ‘tongue in cheek. ‘We did it mainly for a bit of fun – we had no idea it would sell that many records. Quite a lot of it is of course absolute bollocks but you have to put it into the context of the late 70’s. We were all pissed off with the record companies at the time. RCA actually stopped us recording for about 5 years because we were still under contract to them. ‘Melody Makers – you’re just a bunch of Wankers’ is therefore a glorious anthem aimed directly at the gentlemen of the press. Sold loads – and no wonder it didn’t get any airplay. Also, we are very proud of tracks like ‘My Muvver gave me a gun for Xmas. – still I think a great track.

After playing prog for some years it was great to play rock with some energy and I think the lyrics to many of the Pork Dukes stuff is actually worth a listen – quite clever in a smart arse sort of way. You didn’t mention our great record ‘Throbbing Gristle. ‘ Even some other band borrowed the titile of course. What about these lyrics then ” throbbing gristle – on the bed – I’m gonna spray you toe to head!” –
Come on you guys [ and I’m guessing you are guys] – lost your sense of humour? So like a lot of people in the world and in the music business, Pork Dukes are an alter ego phenomenon. We cant be punks all the time of course – our wives wouldn’t let us! But then, wouldn’t everyone like to do this and expend a bit of energy and have some fun, especially at our age? Neither are we going to apologise to anyone for being able to play a bit or for the fact that we have recorded other CDs.

The Pork Dukes are of course still playing and touring and I guess that’s because people find us still entertaining and we can rock the arse off of any prog or folk band – I assure you. What’s great about doing the Pork Dukes is that we can take the piss out of everything. Life, like music of course shouldn’t be taken too seriously and yes – we are also taking the piss out of ‘attitude.’ It’s no good you guys taking a poke at the establishment when you become the establishment yourselves.
I do love punk music – but not the hardcore shit that passes for it nowadays. Also I am a real believer in DIY music – making music is more preferable than just ‘consuming’ it don’t you think? The scene in the US is great too. Folks just take you on face value and whether they like it or not. I believe that ” You suck – shut the fuckup!” are considered to be words of endearment across the water in our ex colony.

Finally, we seem not to have been able to make any money from music – the record companies have done all right by us of course. Vilos Styles works as a Psychiatric Nurse helping people with drug and alcohol problems and I work for the voluntary sector annoying the fuck out of the government on funding issues. Now, how punk is that?
So for those about to pork we salute you! Try these
- “Bend and Flush” b/w “Throbbing Gristle” (1977)
- “Making Bacon” b/w “Tight Pussy” (1977)
- “Telephone Masturbator” b/w “Melody Makers” (1978)
More time (sic) on your hands? Having the in law around or some light supper with the neighbours? Try the album Pink Pork. The below will give you a pointer as to what you’ll get.
- Dirty Boys (You Dirty Cunts)
- Stuck Up (Your Ass)
- Bend & Flush
- Melody Maker (You’re Just A Bunch Of Wankers)
- Telephone (Masturbator)
- Sick For Sex
- Down Down Down
- Soho Girls
- Tight Pussy
- (I Like Your) Big Tits (Let’s See If It Fits)
- Penicillin Princess
- Loser
While we’re at it have a listen to what for Punk 77 is the Pork Dukes finest song and have a shufty at Gnidrolog who sound like a cross between Rush and Jethro Tull!
Check out the Pork Dukes Facebook page
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